Join the Crucial Conversation on Inclusive HR Practices

Round Table 

Unity in Diversity:    HR’s Role in Inclusive Cultures

Date: May 30, 2024

Platform: ZOOM

Time: 17:00 - 19:30 CET

We have invited esteemed HR influencers from the TOP of the GLOBAL LIST to share their insights and best practices  

Keynote speakers 

Dr. Evi Prokopi 


JoAnn Corley 


Jessica Glazer 


Michael Moon, PhD 



Our agenda:

Opening Segment

Main Speeches Segment

Panel Discussion and Q&A

Welcome to a pivotal initiative where we address a pressing yet often overlooked challenge in the workforce: integrating socially vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, war veterans, and their families. Many sectors fail to recognize that 15% of the global population experiences some form of disability, representing a significant portion of untapped potential.

Current efforts to support these groups are inadequate, with many HR professionals unaware of the effective strategies to make workplaces truly inclusive. This gap not only hinders social integration but also limits organizational growth and diversity.

At CF IT Sprout, we're bridging this gap. Our roundtable webinar brings together top HR experts from the USA and Ukraine to exchange transformative solutions and pave the way for a more inclusive future. By attending, you'll gain insights into robust practices that are reshaping the industry.

Why are we the authority? Our extensive experience with socially vulnerable groups and ongoing commitment, evidenced by our YouTube channel, positions us at the forefront of this movement. We're not just discussing ideas; we're fostering real change, demonstrated by our growing community and the impactful stories of individuals like Antonina, who found new opportunities through our programs.

Join us

Not only will you be part of an essential transformation in HR, but you'll also expand your expertise and network. Together, we'll unveil the full potential of every individual, creating a more inclusive world for all.

Your engagement will contribute to our mission, with every donation directed toward empowering voices that drive this change.

Envisioning a Workplace Without Barriers

Imagine a workplace where every individual, regardless of their background, abilities, or life experiences, has the opportunity to thrive. Today, we stand on the cusp of such a transformative era, yet many organizations remain unprepared to welcome and support socially vulnerable groups effectively.

The challenges faced by people with disabilities, war veterans, and their families are not just personal—they are societal. In a world where inclusivity is increasingly recognized as a cornerstone of success, our current HR frameworks often fall short. Valuable talent is left on the sidelines, not because of a lack of skill or ambition, but due to a lack of supportive pathways into the professional world.

CF IT Sprout’s roundtable webinar is a call to action for HR professionals, leaders, and influencers. It is an invitation to explore, learn, and lead the charge in creating an inclusive environment that values diversity and harnesses the full potential of every community member.

By participating in this crucial conversation, you’ll discover:

This is more than a webinar—it's the beginning of a movement towards a more equitable and capable workforce. Don't just witness the change; be the catalyst. Together, we can shape a future where no talent goes unnoticed and every individual has the chance to excel.


Empowerment Through Participation

Join a community of change-makers in a webinar designed to equip you with the tools and knowledge to transform your workplace. Expect to engage with groundbreaking strategies, learn from real-world success stories, and connect with peers committed to fostering inclusivity. Your participation is more than just a learning opportunity—it's a step towards building a more equitable professional landscape.

Share Your Vision and Expertise

Are you pioneering inclusive HR practices or have insights into supporting diverse social groups? We invite you to share your expertise and stories at our roundtable. As a speaker, you'll illuminate the path for others by showcasing actionable strategies and inspiring examples of inclusive HR success. Your contribution can ignite a wave of change across industries worldwide.

Narrate the Change

The role of the press in shaping public perception is undeniable. We seek journalists who can articulate the challenges and breakthroughs in creating inclusive workplaces. By covering our webinar, you help spotlight the imperative for change and the solutions that are leading the way. Join us, and let's tell the story of a society evolving for the better together.

Meet CF IT Sprout: Champions for Inclusivity

CF IT Sprout emerged from a vision to seed inclusivity in the professional world. Our mission is simple yet profound: to create equal opportunities for all by nurturing talent from socially vulnerable groups, including people with disabilities, war veterans, and their families. We understand that these communities possess vast untapped potential that can enrich and diversify the workforce.

Through education, advocacy, and direct support, we strive to break down the barriers that prevent these individuals from flourishing in their careers. Our initiatives range from tailored training programs to international webinars that foster dialogue and share best practices in HR.

Partnering with organizations that share our ethos, we work tirelessly to advocate for change, build supportive networks, and celebrate the contributions of every individual, regardless of their background.

Join us in this journey of transformation. With every initiative, we move closer to a world where everyone has the chance to grow, contribute, and succeed.

Frequently Asked Questions

When is the roundtable webinar scheduled?

Date: May 30, 2024. Registered participants will receive detailed information about the exact date and time closer to the event.

Which platform will host the webinar?

We will be using Zoom, a leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable platform for video and audio conferencing.

 What will be the language of communication during the webinar?

The webinar will be conducted in English to cater to a broad international audience.

How long will the webinar last?

Details regarding the duration will be provided upon registration, but we aim to optimize the length to ensure it is comprehensive yet respectful of your time.

Will there be an opportunity for Q&A during the webinar?

es, we encourage interaction and there will be a dedicated Q&A session where attendees can pose questions to the speakers.

Are there any requirements to attend the webinar?

All you need is a stable internet connection, access to Zoom, and a willingness to engage in this important conversation.

Will the webinar be accessible to people with disabilities?

Absolutely. We're committed to inclusivity and will ensure the webinar is accessible to all attendees.

Stay Connected with CF IT Sprout

If you have any questions or need further information about the upcoming roundtable webinar, our initiatives, or how you can get involved, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Our team is ready to assist you and provide any additional details you may require.

We're always here to engage with our community and look forward to hearing from you.

We are proud to announce that the State Employment Service of Ukraine will be partnering with us and lending their support at our event.